Sunday, May 3, 2009

Kohl's has great deals!

I got a $10 gift card a couple weeks ago in the mail from Kohl's. It is $10 off a $10 purchase. I think I got it because I gave them my email address last time I was there. I finally had a chance to use the gift card yesterday!

I got two things for the kids. A hooded spring zip up sweatshirt and a pair of shorts! The original price on the sweatshirt alone was $26! I paid $0.63 total for both items. I love clearance racks!

But here is my point, how many offers like this do you get that you just throw away or don't have time to deal with? If you keep your coupons and gift cards with you all the time or in your car, you won't miss out on deals like this. Sure, I'll bet Kohl's is hoping you spend more money in their store. But there were no limitations on the gift card other than it had to be at least a $10 purchase. Don't let these deals pass you by!

1 comment:

  1. I did learn that from you, that I need to have my coupons with me, and I also got that $10 card in the mail and had it in my car...I picked up a summer dress for mel and some cups for her. I was excited all I had to pay was .89.
    Kristi E
