- Port steaks $1.38/lb
- Kellogg's fruit loops and Rice Krispie's $2 each, $1 IP coupon
- Betty Crocker Blueberry muffin mix 1.78, 0.40 MQ
- Tortilla's $1 each
- Bagged lettuce mixes 0.98 ea
- Baby carrots 0.99 ea
- SureFine Baked beans 0.88 each
- Red seedless grapes 0.98/lb
- 4 lb Strawberries 3.98.
- and the rest of our 'normal' purchases
My total spent was $57.18, with ad/coupon savings of $49.66!
Let me recap my 3 stops: total out of pocket between Pierce's, Piggly Wiggly and Target was $115.95. My coupon and sales savings was $143.85.
$259.80 worth of food/items for a total spent of $115.95. I saved over 65%, and I have ton of stuff in the cupboard and pantry! If that isn't impressive, I don't know what is! The best part of all is that these are deals that each of you out there can get! I don't have an special secret coupon sources. I clip the coupons just like you. I search the web for store deals, just like you. I stock up when things are cheap and fill up the freezer, and you can too.
If you have any questions about any of my coupons or deals, leave me a message. I will do my best to answer the questions and share with everyone!
Happy Mother's Day everyone!
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