General Mills recently sent me 10 coupons for their new product Nature Valley Granola Nut Clusters. The manufacturer coupons are $1.60 off one bag and expire 2/28/2010. I have not priced this item yet in stores but I did try the sample that was sent to me. It's exactly as the name states, a granola and nut cluster. I was wondering if you would post this information for your readers as I would like to share the coupons I have available. All I ask is that your readers email me to let me know they would like a coupon, and they should send me a self-addressed, stamped envelope, and I will provide the coupon. Emails can be sent to me at
UPDATE: the email address should read:
If you have any questions, feel free to email me. Thanks!
Thanks so much for sharing Rachael!
Sorry ... I really should proofread better and will next time. My email is (not for those who want the coupon.